
FourFront's Blog

Author: Sue Scavilla

With more than 25 years of experience in application and web development, Suzan is an expert in database design and technical SEO initiatives. Read More »
Web Analytics

Navigating Google Analytics 4 with FourFront

With the retirement of Universal Analytics, it’s time to fully embrace Google Analytics 4 (GA4). As a part of this transition, we at FourFront have developed a series of resources to help our clients navigate the new landscape of GA4. Our aim is to empower you with the knowledge and

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Web Analytics

GA4 Migration Is 3 Months Away— Here’s How to Prepare Now

Google has announced that in less than 90 days, Universal Analytics (UA) will be replaced with Google Analytics 4 (GA4). With the sunsetting of UA, which has been Google’s primary analytics tool since 2012, businesses are left wondering what this means for their data. Let’s discuss what’s changing and how

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What’s New in Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics has come out with a new technical platform called GA4 (Google Analytics 4). This new analytics platform allows you to collect data across multiple devices and multiple platforms. It is a radical change from the currently used Universal Analytics (UA) and can present a steep learning curve to

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SEO Checklist for Your Website Redesign

Launching a new site or redesigning your current website is exciting; your new site is new, flashy, interactive – but will it impact your SEO? A website redesign or transition can be a daunting project, so to help with the transition process, we’ve put together a checklist of questions you

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Content First SEO Strategy

A successful SEO strategy is one which puts content first.  Productive content answers the users’ queries along their digital journey when their needs and search patterns are properly assessed.  Google is sophisticated enough to know whether content is performing up to the standards of the user through behavior analytics.  It’s

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