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Category: Web Analytics

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Organic CTR Strategies to Boost Search Performance

In the dynamic world of search engine optimization, organic click-through rate (CTR) stands out as a powerful yet sometimes underappreciated metric. It serves as a crucial bridge between search visibility and actual user engagement, offering valuable insights into how well your content resonates with searchers. As search engines refine their

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Screenshot of Google Search Console metrics.

How to Track Branded and Non-Branded Traffic

Tracking branded and non-branded traffic is essential for understanding your brand recognition. It also helps identify opportunities for optimizing your content and SEO strategies. So, how can you easily identify how much of your Google search traffic is branded or non-branded?  And how can you see how much traffic comes

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What is Audience Segmentation?

Audience segmentation is the practice of dividing your target audience into multiple subgroups so that you can customize your marketing efforts toward each subset. Although audience segmentation can be used across most branches of marketing, it’s become especially important in the modern digital marketing era. With customer browsing habits and

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Web Analytics

Navigating Google Analytics Tracking in the Era of Cookie Consent

In an age where digital privacy is prioritized, navigating website analytics has become increasingly complex. With the implementation of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ubiquitous presence of cookie consent banners, it has become more difficult to accurately track your incoming website data in Google Analytics.. Even for marketers

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Web Analytics

Navigating Google Analytics 4 with FourFront

With the retirement of Universal Analytics, it’s time to fully embrace Google Analytics 4 (GA4). As a part of this transition, we at FourFront have developed a series of resources to help our clients navigate the new landscape of GA4. Our aim is to empower you with the knowledge and

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Web Analytics

GA4 Migration Is 3 Months Away— Here’s How to Prepare Now

Google has announced that in less than 90 days, Universal Analytics (UA) will be replaced with Google Analytics 4 (GA4). With the sunsetting of UA, which has been Google’s primary analytics tool since 2012, businesses are left wondering what this means for their data. Let’s discuss what’s changing and how

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Basic bar chart displaying increased brand awareness over time.

How to Measure Increased Brand Awareness

This post was collaboratively researched and written by Ben Pearl and Ben Swofford. As a marketer, one of your primary goals—whether you’re working in-house or at an agency—is to increase the awareness of your or your client’s brand. This concept of brand awareness refers to how familiar an audience is with

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What’s New in Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics has come out with a new technical platform called GA4 (Google Analytics 4). This new analytics platform allows you to collect data across multiple devices and multiple platforms. It is a radical change from the currently used Universal Analytics (UA) and can present a steep learning curve to

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Comparing Adwords Campaigns

2 Simple Ways to Determine How Effective Your Adwords Campaigns Are Without Goal Conversion Metrics

This post features information for the current Google Analytics platform configuration, Universal Analytics. Check out our recently-published Google Analytics 4 Guide to learn more about the latest version of Google Analytics. Many advertisers struggle to measure the performance of their Ad campaigns in Google AdWords or Bing. Google AdWords is

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