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Category: SEO

SEO Icons on Green Background

Organic CTR Strategies to Boost Search Performance

In the dynamic world of search engine optimization, organic click-through rate (CTR) stands out as a powerful yet sometimes underappreciated metric. It serves as a crucial bridge between search visibility and actual user engagement, offering valuable insights into how well your content resonates with searchers. As search engines refine their

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Screenshot of Google Search Console metrics.

How to Track Branded and Non-Branded Traffic

Tracking branded and non-branded traffic is essential for understanding your brand recognition. It also helps identify opportunities for optimizing your content and SEO strategies. So, how can you easily identify how much of your Google search traffic is branded or non-branded?  And how can you see how much traffic comes

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How Hidden Content Impacts SEO

Updated: May 22, 2024 With so many ways of presenting content on a website, it’s important to know exactly how your presentation is going to affect your SEO. Ironically, one way of presenting content is through the use of “hidden” content. While content isn’t actually hidden, it may not be initially presented

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The State of SEO: A Sit-Down with Industry Leaders

The future of SEO has never been more open than it is right now. Between the meteoric rise of artificial intelligence in marketing and major shifts in search engine algorithms, there’s a lot to take in while making the most of your SEO efforts. To help contextualize the current and

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YouTube Logos

Youtube SEO: 8 Strategies for Optimizing Your YouTube Videos

This post was originally published in 2017. It was last updated by our team in March 2024. In today’s digital landscape, mastering YouTube SEO is essential for expanding your online presence and reaching a wider audience. With millions of videos being uploaded daily, having a strategic approach is key to

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A frustrated looking woman sits in front of a laptop computer, making a face with her hands in the air.

How To Fix and Prevent Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization might seem intimidating (or even a little horrific – SEOs love dramatic names for things), but it’s a super important concept to understand for anyone aiming to boost their website’s SEO. Keyword cannibalization occurs when several pages on your website chase after the same keyword, unintentionally competing against

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Two people sitting at a laptop working together on a content audit.

What Are Content Audits and Why They Matter in SEO

Content audits are an essential part of any SEO and digital marketing strategy. Content audits play an essential part of analyzing your website content to ensure your content is up-to-date with the ever-changing landscape of search engines, audience requirements and behaviors, and the competitive landscape of your industry. A good

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An illustration shows four people on a bench engrossed in their devices. A dark-skinned woman checks her phone, a blue-haired woman browses on a tablet, a bearded man reviews a tablet, and a black-haired person types on a laptop. Analytics icons float in the background.

The Power of User Personas in Digital Marketing

User personas, simply put, are fictional representations of your audience. Personas can be a beneficial tool to help you not only better understand your customers’ goals, behaviors, pain points, and motivations, but to also share this understanding across teams. I’ve used personas in many UX and product development efforts, but the

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A woman sits at a desktop computer, typing. On the whiteboard behind her is a wireframe for a webpage.

Evergreen Content: What It Is, and How You Can Create Your Own

Evergreen content is a vital part of any robust digital marketing strategy. There is certainly a time and place for time-sensitive responses to topics, especially as news comes in on industry updates and you want to stay on top of that, but if you are looking for sustained organic visibility

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