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Category: SEO

Google search ranking chart

What Does a Google Rank Mean for Your Business? (Part Two)

Position #1 on Google isn’t what it used to be. How people engage with the search engine has evolved drastically over the past 4 years. For many reasons Google continuously tests changes to their results pages to see what yields the visitor behavior they are looking for. The effects these

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Google G and Stethoscope

How to Recover from the Google Medic Update

Updated: Aug 27, 2019 On August 1, 2018, Google introduced the “Medic” Update to their algorithm, hoping to ensure the safety of consumers by preventing fraudulent and low-reputation websites that offer high-repercussion services from getting search engine visibility. Google determined the value and relevance of web pages by using E.A.T.

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Google Logo on Building

What Does a Google Rank Mean for your Business? (Part One)

Updated: Apr 30, 2019 You can spend all day answering this question, but estimating keyword volume is the best way to start. Do you ever wonder how many people would find your website if you ranked for a keyword? Or, how much traffic your competitors get by ranking above you

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Five Easy Ways to Increase Your Page Speed in 2019

Updated: Mar 08, 2019 Why is Page Speed Important for SEO? You don’t like to wait and neither does your online audience. That’s why page speed is one of Google’s most important ranking factors. For starters, a slow-loading landing page results in poor user experience. If it’s slow enough, users will

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Link Strategy Icon

External Link Strategy in Modern SEO

Updated: Apr 26, 2019 What is an External Link? An external link is a hyperlink in the text of your page that directs users away from your site. When other sites link externally to your site, then your page has received value. In the original days of Google, there was

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Sketching Schema Markup

What is Schema Markup?

Updated: Sep 26, 2022 What is Schema Markup? Schema markup is a type of microdata that is designed to include more details to the search engine when presenting your page in their search results. The history of schema markup can be traced back to the creation of search engines in

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Lobby of FourFront Offices

SEO Intern: What I Learned at FourFront

Updated: Apr 26, 2019 On my first day at FourFront LLC, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Maybe that’s an exaggeration. I had 3 years worth of marketing classes, and I knew that SEO meant “being higher on Google” or something like that. Other than that, I

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Question Block on Keyboard

Frequently Asked Questions about FAQ pages

Updated: Dec 04, 2017 After a review of a new client’s website, SEO companies will often recommend a Frequently Asked Questions page if one doesn’t already exist. When executed effectively, an FAQ page provides a valuable resource to meet a host of user needs: Provide detailed or specific information about

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Magnifying Glass on Keyboard

Reasons Your Google Rankings Keep Changing

Updated: Nov 17, 2017 Ranking Fluctuations: Causes and Effects A fact of SEO life is that your rankings are going to fluctuate. People tend to panic when they see ranking fluctuations, thinking they did something wrong, something broke on their site, or that their SEO partner is doing something they

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Parabolic Wave Representing Long Tail Keywords

5 Reasons You Should be Using Long Tail Keywords

Updated: Apr 26, 2019 Long tail keywords contain 3 or more words and are more specific than short tail keywords. They are often less competitive and have less search volume than short tail, but reach a more defined target audience. A study on Amazon user habits revealed that consumers benefit

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