
FourFront's Blog

Category: SEO

Core Web Vitals

Basics of Core Web Vitals: 6 Tips for Google’s Web Vitals Initiative

Web Vitals, Google’s initiative to improve user experience across the web, is coming up fast for site owners and web developers. At FourFront, we’ve created this post (as well as our own tools!) to make sure you’re covered. Already know about Core Web Vitals and looking for tips? Great! If

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SEO Checklist for Your Website Redesign

Launching a new site or redesigning your current website is exciting; your new site is new, flashy, interactive – but will it impact your SEO? A website redesign or transition can be a daunting project, so to help with the transition process, we’ve put together a checklist of questions you

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Content First SEO Strategy

A successful SEO strategy is one which puts content first.  Productive content answers the users’ queries along their digital journey when their needs and search patterns are properly assessed.  Google is sophisticated enough to know whether content is performing up to the standards of the user through behavior analytics.  It’s

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Team members in brainstorming session

As SEO Evolves, Creativity Plays a Larger Role

When you think about the creative side of digital marketing, SEO probably isn’t the first thing that comes to your mind. Many web developers and designers would go even further, claiming that SEO kills creativity. I get requests all the time for a push-button solution to SEO. What I tell

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Local SERP Checker

How To Check Google Search Results for Different Locations Do you need to test local search results remotely? Would you like to monitor and compare your Google search results from multiple places? If you are doing Local SEO, it is critical to have the ability to monitor Google search results

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Trend line chart

Emerging Markets Based on Search Patterns

Updated: 4/27/2020 Search interest patterns are valuable insights into how users are searching for products, often revealing interest before those products and industries actually begin to grow. By closely monitoring trends around different search patterns, we will be able to predict which industries are emerging as legitimate business opportunities in

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Doctor building EAT assets on the computer

How to Build E-A-T Assets for Your Website

In an effort to remove low quality content from search results, Google created a set of requirements for estimating the trustworthiness of content. These requirements are known as E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) and Google first mentioned them in the 2014 publication: Search Quality Guidelines. E.A.T requirements are applied to

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SEO logo

What Makes a Good SEO Company? Let’s Play 20 Questions.

Many of our clients worked with another SEO agency before they worked with us. And typically, when we ask them about their previous experience, we don’t hear many positive tales. This isn’t surprising (why else would they leave, right?) but it can be instructive. Here’s what we hear most often:

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A woman does marketing research on her computer

How Has Coronavirus Affected Higher Education?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a highly infectious disease that quickly spread around the world in early 2020 until it became a global pandemic. COVID-19 has greatly affected the global economy, shutting many businesses down and forcing others to completely adjust how they conduct business. Here at Fourfront, we wanted to use

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